Home / How To Spool Your Reel

Line Inputs

Brand Model Lbs Line Diameter (mm)
Momoi Diamond Gen 3 solid Blue 80 0.47
Momoi Diamond Gen 3 solid Orange 100 0.54
Momoi Diamond Gen 3 HC Blue 500 1.32
Momoi Diamond Gen 3 HC Blue 800 1.71
Jerry Brown One HC Blue 80 0.48
Jerry Brown One HC Yellow 100 0.54
Tuff Line 4orce 80 0.51

Spool Calculator

Spooling Steps

  1. Prep reel and spool
    1. Electric tape wrapped around spool
    2. Level wind guide should be removed
  2. Navigate to the spooling screen
    1. Menu Screen - 6 second hold button 2
  3. Input the line type
    1. Use knob to navigate selection
    2. Select an empty spool number
    3. Input line diameter (see Typical Line Type sheet for suggestions)
    4. Input line strength (for reference)
  4. Hold button 2 on Begin Spooling for 6 seconds to advance
    1. Spool under 15lbs is met line tension
      1. Evenly wrap line across the base of the spool
      2. Manually guide line until the inside radius of the spool is nearly filled
  5. Install line guide
    1. The line should pass around the straight post
  6. Press button 1 + button 2 to auto retrieve the line
    1. The line should be guided on smoothly
    2. Set motor speed to 250 FPM or less
    3. Ensure the line has guided on smoothly and proper drag tension from the spool is kept
      1. Spooling drags often change over the duration of the spooling process
  7. Do not fill the spool past its max capacity
    1. Do not fill over 6500 ft of line
    2. Max capacity is at 120mm diameter
      1. At mthe max fill capacity there should be enough room for most wind-on leaders to fit the remainder of the spool
  8. Once the spool is full hold button 2 for 6 seconds to complete
  9. If the spooling amount is off or you are manually inputting the line, button 1 and 2 can be used to decrease or increase the amount of line on the spool
  10. Once complete hold button 2 for 6 seconds on complete to finish